Shoulder Physical Examination, Treatment and Practical Applications

Shoulder Physical Examination, Treatment and Practical Applications

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Presented by Tracy Elliott, BSc.PT, BSc/BPHE(Hons)

This webinar will provide a focused review and practical applications for assessing and treating the shoulder. This will involve a review of shoulder anatomy, differential diagnoses, shoulder assessment and special testing, non-operative management and treatment of the shoulder and practical applications through case studies.

Webinar Outline:

  1. Anatomy and physical examination
  2. Treatment
  3. Case studies and questions

Contact Hours: 4 (CBOT approved)

Goals and Objectives

• Review shoulder anatomy (bony shoulder anatomy and musculature).

• Perform a comprehensive shoulder assessment with consideration of the subjective component, observation, mechanism of injury, scapular contribution, differential diagnoses, objective measures and special testing.

• Understand imaging that might be useful based on the clinical examination findings

• Be able to apply the treatment recommendations available that are consistent with the physical examination findings.

• Be able to demonstrate a variety of exercises and treatment options for shoulder rehabilitation.

• Practical Applications: Formulate a treatment plan based on the physical examination findings in case studies.

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