Anatomy, Biomechanics, and the Management of the Complex PIP Joint (Webinar)

Anatomy, Biomechanics, and the Management of the Complex PIP Joint (Webinar)

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Presented by: Shrikant Chinchalkar, OTR, CHT

30 days webinar recording access ended on 7/29/24 at 11:59pm PDT per Shrikant's request. We are unable to provide any exceptions per contract.

Contact Hours: 7.25 – approved by CBOT to count towards education for HTC

Course Description: This is a course for intermediate to advanced practitioners who are interested in learning the intricacy of the PIP starting with the anatomy and mechanics. After an understanding of the complexity and normal movement of this joint, we will discuss fractures, dislocations which cause secondary deformities.

Objectives: Upon attending this course the participants will demonstrate knowledge of the following:

1. PIP joint anatomy and mechanism of finger motion

2. How proximal, middle, and distal phalanges intricately interact with each other in a  kinematic chain

3. Structure the management of PIP joint fractures and dislocations based on sound clinical reasoning

4. Demonstrate and manage pathomechanics of swan neck and boutonniere deformities.


8:00-8:10 Opening announcements/ introductions

8:10-9:10 Structural anatomy of the PIP joint

9:10-10:10 The relationship between P1, P2& P3, how interdependent these phalanges are

10:10-10:25 Q and A / Break

10:25-11:25 The retinacular system influencing the PIP joint

11:25-12:25 Mechanism of finger flexion and extension

12:25-12:45 Q & A/ Break

12:45-1:45 Management of PIP joint fractures and dislocations

1:45-2:45 Secondary deformities of the hand

2:45-3:00 Q and A/ Wrap up

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